Each grade level will have a special day to invite a guest. Today, kindergarten students got to enjoy pastries with a pal.
Oreo Turkeys in Ms. Stainton's room
Mrs. Williams’ class dancing their way into Thanksgiving break! 🦃🥧
Listening to our sweet Miss Payton read a Thanksgiving story.
Happy Thanksgiving! No school 11/20-11/24
Preparing Thanksgiving bags for our families . They even get a turkey to cook donated by Food Lion. ❤️ #helpinghandsendhunger
First 5 Tigers to get 10 miles in our 2nd annual Turkey Trot.
Mrs. Stainton's class enjoyed the day at Hillcrest Orchards.
Mrs. Long's class on their field trip to Hillcrest Orchards.
ALL KIDS BIKE is in motion and Kindergarten are loving it!!!
Building simple circuits in Mr. Winkler’s class
Kona Ice will be here Friday.
Chattanooga Area Food Bank made a delivery today to help our school pantry!
PBIS Day in Third Grade
We will have a student holiday gift shop this year. It will be December 4th through the 8th. Students will be able to purchase gifts for their family members for Christmas. The gifts will be sent home wrapped and ready to place underneath the tree.
There will be no school for students tomorrow, Friday November 10th in honor of Veterans Day.
Fourth grade had a great day at the Chattanooga Zoo.
Wear your RED, WHITE, and BLUE tomorrow as we celebrate Veterans Day!
Mrs Chastain and Mrs Howard’s class had a great time going Murray County Library, Ingles, and then to the rec center to eat lunch and play! A special thank you to Mr Tim Howard for giving a history lesson and showing us all interesting items from the past.
Miss Yauman's class enjoyed their field trip to Ingles and the Murray County Library.