Wear Red on Friday, February 7 and join the Kids Heart Challenge today! Download the AHA Schools app to search for our school or visit www.heart.org/schoolsto sign your student up. Then you can customize and share a video with family and friends where they can learn Hands-Only CPR and warning signs of a stroke and ask for donations!

Don't forget that today is early dismissal @ 11:30! We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and enjoys the break!

Red Ribbon Week starts next Monday!

Make plans now to attend our annual fall festival on Thursday (10/24) from 5-7 PM!
Free to all SPE students and their families thanks to our partnership with Rockbridge Community Church.
Games - Inflatables - Face Painting - Family FUN!

Special notice for today (9/30)

MCS Families - Our amazing partners at the Murray County Health Department have partnered with our nurses to offer flu vaccines at low to no cost for students from PreK through 12 grade!
Please read the attached information for more details.

Are you interested in Scouts? Come to the informational meeting on Thursday the 19th at 6:30 in the Spring Place cafeteria if you would like to learn more!

Don't forget to wear green and show your Indian pride tomorrow! We will have Murray spirit tatoos for sale for $1.00 - these are perfect for the big game tomorrow night! The student wearing the most green will win a prize from MCHS!

Don't forget Patriot Day tomorrow!

Be ready for pickup on the 1st day of school next week!

Join us for the Annual Title I meeting next Wednesday prior to Open House!

Don't forget - fast passes will go on sale this Wednesday, August 21st. Cost is $100. Only 25 passes will be sold. A fast pass may be purchased online through your school cash account.

We have 5 extra yearbooks available for purchase. Online only. Purchase for $35 at https://murrayk12.schoolcashonline.com/

Fun Summer Cheer Camp Opportunities!

A big THANKS to all of our bus drivers for their help each day!

Don't forget tomorrow is GLAM Night!

Join us for our Title I Spring 🌸 Input 🌼 Meeting prior to G.L.A.M. night. We look forward to hearing from you!

5th Grade Pastries with a Pal

We are so excited! Bedford Falls Book Fair will be here next week for our final book fair for this school year.

Mark your calendars - GLAM Night is coming next week! Come enjoy lots of family fun!